With our partners, we build strong foundations through programs that empower children and families to lead successful lives.
Join our Capital Campaign! Help equip, educate and empower our children, their families, and our community.
Be a part of empowering the future! The new Center for Community Empowerment capital campaign is underway and we invite you to invest in our vision for an expanded space allows us to serve more children and families, and embrace additional collaboration with partners working toward a strong and empowered community.
You’re Invited!
Pub Crawl Fun & Fundraiser! Keys to Our Success
Thursday, April 17, 2025, Downtown Venice, FL
5:30-8:30 pm | Trolley Times: 5-9 pm
4 keys • 5 restaurants • celebrity bartenders and a chance to win a prize worth $1000!
Tickets: $25 advance, $30 at the door
Remake Learning Days!
GOLDEN EGG QUEST & EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday, April 19, 2025, Laurel Civic
10 am-noon | Free fun for kids K-9th grades!
Sidewalk Art • Prizes • Games & More
YOU MATTER DAY WITH GROW STRONG STEMS Saturday, April 26, 2025, Laurel Civic
11 am-1pm | Free Family Fun!
Experiments • Brain Games & More
Laurel Civic Association
509 Collins Rd. Nokomis, FL 34275
Free Summer Reading Fun!
JUNE 3-JULY 31, 2025 | 4-5 pm, Tues & Thurs
For kids K-5th grades with 1 on 1 or group reading with teachers, plus a light meal.
Register Now
Afterschool Academic Program
We are committed to helping children in K-12 grades in South Sarasota County by providing a safe place where they can come for educational assistance. Offered Monday-Friday, from 3:30-5:30 pm, this program focuses on providing academic and emotional support to help the students believe in themselves and understand the material taught in school so that they can excel in their classes.
We work hand in hand with the Sarasota County Board of Education and Sarasota Public Schools by educating and helping students with their homework, school projects, and our daily reading curriculum. Our program helps eliminate many issues at home, improves children’s social skills, and assists them in becoming above-average students in school.
We accomplish this by having currently certified teachers working part-time to assist the students, staff, and volunteers, made possible through the generosity of the Community Foundation of Sarasota County and individuals. All students are provided with Chromebooks to log into their My SCS account to complete online assignments. We also offer one-on-one assistance for our Specialized Varying Exceptionality Students (SVES) with homework and school assignments.
We have three state-of-the-art 86” Promethean Smart Boards to assist students in all grade levels with classroom lessons that can carry on from school to the after-school program. Last school year, 2023-2024, with a daily attendance average of 88 students, 85% finished the school year above average, this includes our Individualized Education Program (IEP) students. This year, we aim to have 90% of our students above-average.
Come Make a Difference!
As a volunteer, you will help students and families thrive. It is the most rewarding type of work when you benefit others by sharing your time, knowledge, and talents with those who need it most. Hours are flexible but our schedule is M-F, 3:30-5:30 pm.
Help students with homework and reading skills
Coach life skills to teens and adults
Provide office support, participate in special events, and more
Questions? Contact Vanita Moses-Cook at 941-483-3338 Ext. 104 or email: vmoses@laurelcivic.net Don’t have time? Consider making a gift!
Make an Impact
Flanzer Philanthropic Trust Extends Matching Program Through 2025
The Louis and Gloria Flanzer Philanthropic Trust has extended its contribution matching program through 2025.
Contributions can be made via PayPal, credit cards or check. Donation amounts are limited to $500 per month per agency, per household, with a maximum of $3,000 per year per agency. Be sure to Select Laurel Civic Association!
Youth Empowerment
We believe that children can overcome challenges at home, in school, and in life if we show them the way.
The John Jefferson Youth Empowerment Programs
Teen Summer Camp Registration is Open!
K-5 Summer Reading Registration is Open!
Academic Empowerment
We believe that children need to succeed academically to become independent and self-sufficient adults.
Teen Empowerment
We believe that providing teens with life skills allows them to set themselves on a course for future success.
Our Alumni
We are very proud of the accomplishments of our students who partake in our Youth Empowerment Programs. Learn from them the difference that you can make. Visit our Alumni Page to learn more.

Growing Strong STEMs

Adult Programs
Hand Up!
We believe that understanding fiscal management, interviewing and employment placement skills leads to financial independence and hope for the future.
Life Skills
We believe that helping people learn to effectively function better as a family, community member, and in the workforce reduces stress and provides pathways to success.
Access to Independence
We believe that people who have access to programs that help alleviate issues of hunger, housing, and medical care can focus on building a more stable, self-sufficient future.
Community Empowerment
We believe that adults living on the margins of society can achieve self-sufficiency when armed with the skills and training to overcome life challenges. This allows them to be productive in their community, and gives them hope for a brighter future for themselves and their families.
Food and Emergency Financial Assistance
One of the biggest challenges facing many families is hunger. Our Client Choice Food Distributions in partnership with All Faiths Food Bank are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 10 am-12 pm and 4-6 pm. Anyone in need of food is welcome. We also have an Emergency Financial Assistance program available for families in crisis.